Vision Statement

The Ascension Life School of Ministry (Bible College) has a two-fold purpose in meeting the requirements of the Associate of Applied Ministry degree (A.A.M.) and Bachelor of Applied Ministry Degree (B.A.M.). First, special emphasis is given to the fields of applied/practical ministry, where students are introduced to subjects that are purposed to help with their spiritual walk, as well as their ability to do the work of the ministry (Eph 4:11–16; Mark 16:15–18). Second, a strong biblical foundation is laid so that students will be equipped to give a reasoned defense for their Christian beliefs and practices (1 Pet 3:15; 2 Tim 3:16-17), as well as the ability to articulate a biblical/Christian worldview that (1) gives glory to God, (2) exalts the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and (3) promotes the gospel of grace, coupled with miracles, signs, and wonders.


Objectives and Outcomes

The Associate of Applied Ministry degree (A.A.M.) and the Bachelor of Applied Ministry degree (B.A.M.) is a one-year and three-year degree program that meets twice a week, Mondays and Wednesdays (6:30pm), at Ascension Life Church, Athens, TN. Monday nights focus on spiritual development (e.g., spiritual formation, forgiveness, prayer, inner healing, etc.), as well as the applied/practical ministry side of equipping the saints for the work of the ministry (e.g., missions and evangelism, Spiritual gifts: healing the sick, faith, prophecy, etc.). Wednesday nights focus on biblical studies, as well as the key doctrines of the church (e.g., the ordo salutis (the order of salvation), the Trinity, Creation, the Atonement, the Authority of Scripture, the person and work of the Holy Spirit, etc.). The Associate of Applied Ministry degree (A.A.M.) is a one year course. The Bachelor of Applied Ministry degree (B.A.M.) is a two-year course. The prerequisite to the B.A.M. is the successful completion of the Associate of Applied Ministry degree (A.A.M.).

Degree Requirements


In order to complete the degree requirements for the Ascension Life School of Ministry and be issued a diploma at the end of the year (A.A.M. or B.A.M.), students must attend both Monday and Wednesday nights. There is a 90% attendance policy per semester for both Mondays and Wednesdays. This includes doing makeup work for the classes missed. At no time can a student miss three consecutive Mondays or three consecutive Wednesdays. However, special allowances are given to those who are working in some capacity of church ministry (e.g., nursery, children’s church, safety team, etc.) on a school night. Note: Commitment to attendance is one of the main requirements of completing this program.



1.  A.A.M. students will write a summary paper (100 words minimum) of what was covered on Monday night and (100 words minimum) of what was covered on Wednesday night, due the following week.
2.  B.A.M. students will write a summary paper (150 words minimum) of what is covered on Monday night and (150 words minimum) of what is covered on Wednesday night, due the following week.
3.  Book Assignments: A written book report of an assigned book will be due at the end of each month. A.A.M. students will write a 150 words minimum review/report of what the book is about, and B.A.M. students will write a 300 words minimum review/report.
4.  Class participation is part of the course.

Primary Course Instructors

Darrell and Julie

Darrell Simbeck

(B.S., M.T.S., Th.M., Ph.D.*)

Degrees and Background

B.S. in Organizational Management, Covenant College, Lookout Mountain GA.

M.T.S (Master of Biblical and Theological Studies), Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA.

Th.M. (Master of Theology), Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA.

Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy in Renewal Theology), Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA.

* Currently working towards the completion of the PhD requirement, Regent University.

Linda Miller

Linda Miller


Degrees and Background

B.S. in Art, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN.
Healing University Training (Online), Charis Bible College, Woodland Park, CO.
Relationship University Training (Online), Charis Bible College, Woodland Park, CO.
Prayer Ministry Training (Correspondence), Charis Bible College, Woodland Park, CO.
Basic and Advanced Sozo Training, Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (Off campus),
Redding, CA.
Hosting the Presence of God Course, Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (Off campus),
Redding, CA.
Supernatural Power of the Transformed Mind Course, Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry
(Off campus), Redding, CA.
Healing, Bill Johnson and Randy Clark.
Healing, Miracles, Signs and Wonders Training, Fresh Fire Ministries.